How Donald Trump Mastered Digital Marketing and SEO

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. -Roger “Verbal” Kint aka Kevin Spacey This is an example of the downfall or the positive side of Google’s shift to real time search results. I guess it all depends on where your political views land. To me though the recent […]

When Brand Marketing Became a Bottom of Funnel Activity

For a long time, when you talked to a marketer about “Brand Marketing” it was very closely focused on top of the funnel, driving awareness.  It was fueled by mass media.  It was measured by aided and unaided brand awareness.  Marketers would measure brand association to product categories.  The focus on brand was always top […]

Communicating SEO Through Your Organization

I had the the pleasure to present at SES Toronto 2012 as well as participate in a post session interview with Matt Bailey.  Here’s the video and I’ll be uploading the slide deck as well to slideshare in a bit     And here’s the slide deck that was presented.   Search analytics for Executives […]

The Web in the Next 10 Years – Beyond SoLoMo

What follows is from the brain to the page ramble that hopefully can spark some imagination and thoughts. I’m going to go out on a limb and throw out some ideas of where I think things will go in the next 10 years, mostly because the story of SoLoMo (Social, Local and Mobile) can’t continue […]

From Good to Great Content

If you’ve been around the search space for any period of time you’ll have heard one of these sayings at some point or another: “Content is King”, “Write for people not search engines”, “Create good content”.    AJ Kohn points to a recent Matt Cutts video where Matt talks about content and whether Google will penalize […]

Google vs. Data

Google announced today that they are going to make some modifications to the way they pass data along to other websites based on if a users is logged into google or not.  The full details on this are at: This has gotten a number of folks in the SEO industry in an uproar.  While I […]

Writting for SEO


I read two interesting articles today, one on using jargon and the other on some new features in the WordPress SEO plugin.  What jumped out at me on both of these is a focus on language and complexity.  One of the new features of the WordPress SEO plugin is to rate your text on the […]

Social Media and SEO

Go to any search conference today and there will be at least one discussion on Social Media. It is starting to become much clearer how the two connect with announcements from booth Bing and Google that they use social signals for rankings, as well as announcements they will start to use social results much more […]

Something Kind of Neat

Not really being one to pay attention to Google’s doodles, I happened to look today, and saw a little cake doodle and to my surprise when I moved my mouse over it, it said “happy birthday Brent” Kind of a neat little thing for Google to do. I’m not usually all that impressed by personalization […]

Myth Busting the ROI on SEM

The SERP SEO Elements

I’ve seen several different citations on why SEM has a better ROI then SEO.   Here are a few of them: SEM is faster, brings traffic to your website quickly, and increases visibility immediate SEM: there is more control over SEM then SEO.  With SEM you can optimize the landing page tailored to the SEM experience […]