Communicating SEO Through Your Organization

I had the the pleasure to present at SES Toronto 2012 as well as participate in a post session interview with Matt Bailey.  Here’s the video and I’ll be uploading the slide deck as well to slideshare in a bit     And here’s the slide deck that was presented.   Search analytics for Executives […]

Google vs. Data

Google announced today that they are going to make some modifications to the way they pass data along to other websites based on if a users is logged into google or not.  The full details on this are at: This has gotten a number of folks in the SEO industry in an uproar.  While I […]

Myth Busting the ROI on SEM

The SERP SEO Elements

I’ve seen several different citations on why SEM has a better ROI then SEO.   Here are a few of them: SEM is faster, brings traffic to your website quickly, and increases visibility immediate SEM: there is more control over SEM then SEO.  With SEM you can optimize the landing page tailored to the SEM experience […]

Google Instant Some Random Thoughts

With the launch of Google Instant I’ve got a few non-connected thoughts on what this means to SEO/SEM as well as to Google, and some questions with how they will adapt to this. First let’s look at the comments I have specifically to Google. A Great Engineering Feat In one way I think this is […]