Is Your Marketing Team a Cost Center or Profit Center?

What value do you bring to your organization as a marketer?  If you had 2 minutes to tell the CEO what value you provided in quantifiable means could you do it?  Most marketers would struggle with this.  Ask a sales person this same question and they’ll tell you how revenue in sales they’ve driven, how […]

5 Things Marketing in the 50s & 60s Can Teach Digital Marketers

Marketing has been around for a long time, as a practice it has evolved very little.  The biggest changes that drove innovation were perhaps the invention of the printing press, radio, TV and internet. Each new channel bringing new capabilities and ways in which brands and companies could connect with an audience.  The 1950s and […]

Myth Busting the ROI on SEM

The SERP SEO Elements

I’ve seen several different citations on why SEM has a better ROI then SEO.   Here are a few of them: SEM is faster, brings traffic to your website quickly, and increases visibility immediate SEM: there is more control over SEM then SEO.  With SEM you can optimize the landing page tailored to the SEM experience […]

What Number is the Most Important? – Web Metrics (Part 2)

Last article we started to look at metrics and what metrics to report to your business or to help decide if your business is succeeding online. This go around I’ll be looking at metrics for your web team. There are some things you will want to measure to help you maintain your site health. These […]

What Number is the Most Important? – Web Metrics (Part 1)

One reason the internet has become one of the most vital tools for marketers is that it allows them track to a level they were never capable of before. One of the problems I’ve had with this is that now we are almost inundated with data. More data at times than we could ever process, […]