Data as a Currency, Rethink Your Marketing

The new digital currency isn’t Bitcoin.  It’s Data.  It’s also more important than ever to really understand that data isn’t something you have a right to own, it’s something that consumers expect to get value in return for.  Every marketer who is “data driven” and focused on using data to refine their campaigns or develop […]

Is Your Marketing Team a Cost Center or Profit Center?

What value do you bring to your organization as a marketer?  If you had 2 minutes to tell the CEO what value you provided in quantifiable means could you do it?  Most marketers would struggle with this.  Ask a sales person this same question and they’ll tell you how revenue in sales they’ve driven, how […]

5 Things Marketing in the 50s & 60s Can Teach Digital Marketers

Marketing has been around for a long time, as a practice it has evolved very little.  The biggest changes that drove innovation were perhaps the invention of the printing press, radio, TV and internet. Each new channel bringing new capabilities and ways in which brands and companies could connect with an audience.  The 1950s and […]

How We Fail The Connected Customer

Digitally savvy marketers are aware of the second and third screens, they are aware of the always on customer.  They think mobile first when targeting consumers in engagements, but what marketers are still getting wrong is the connected customer.  The biggest mistake I see marketers make that are thinking second and third screens and mobile […]

Enable Your Marketing Team To Be Data Agile

While many would have you believe we live in the age of the connected customer, the reality is that is not as true as we would like it to be.  It’s not that it’s impossible to create a connected ecosystem of data, it’s just that very few have truly done this (Google, Amazon, Facebook are […]

20 Years of the NY Times, What’s Changed?

I’ve been involved in digital marketing, and specifically online marketing for a very long time.  Recently reading that the New York Times went online 20 years ago, made me reflect on what’s happened in those 20 years.  Very succinctly “not much has changed”.  A quote from the article in which they cite the thinking of […]

It’s Not Just the CMO, How Digital Impacts All Marketers

The poor CMO is always under fire to “get more digital”, “get more data driven”, it seems like all the pressure is only on the CMO.  You know what?  It’s time for that to change. Every marketer no matter your role should now be thinking digital first, needs to be thinking about KPIs, and data. […]