Go to any search conference today and there will be at least one discussion on Social Media. It is starting to become much clearer how the two connect with announcements from booth Bing and Google that they use social signals for rankings, as well as announcements they will start to use social results much more […]
Why SCRM is More Powerful With CRM
SCRM stands for Social Customer Relationship Management it’s the burgeoning name for how corporations plan to track and manage customer relationships through social tools (think FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn). I recently wrote about my own reasoning on why SCRM shouldn’t be called SCRM and that corporations can’t “manage” customers or expect to manage customers in […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-03
was there ballot stuffing on time.com 100 most influential person? I would think so. link is http://bitly.com/jSyEm # Most of these sites are pretty common these days, but interesting reading anyways: 35 Non-Google SEO How to http://bitly.com/9ZTjF # I know #SES is coming up so to the SEO experts I would love to hear greatest […]

It's Time to Drop the "M" in CRM
Social customer relationship management is the evolution of CRM and Todd Clayton over at chatterboxhq had an interesting article which I had to respond to on Why Social CRM Is not the Answer for Social Media it’s a great read (go on read it, I’ll still be here when you get back). OK great, so […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-26
Feels like nothing got done this weekend # way more than 84 Amazingly Useful CSS Tips & Resources | http://bitly.com/8sGDS # RT @demodadesign Twitter is dumb and it’s making me feel stupid(er). – best line ever # Is it just me or is time actually going backwards today? # @demodadesign creep on creeping on in […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-19
Knees out from running gonna only try for 4 miles tommorow # Is it One more nail in traditional prints coffin with the FLEPia # I’ve witnessed the right tweet at the right time is like a butterflies wings flapping # it’s a good day to do some yard work! # @dleroux why is it […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-12
Sick with a cold does not help traing for a ten km run. # Why can’t I get the kindle in Canada? Come on amazon!! # @dleroux exactly how I’m feeling and thinking today in reply to dleroux # Somehow I am not feeling any better drop the lady friend at the airport then watch […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-05
Is navigation more important? Or is content more importnat as the primary element on a web page? # What is the most important number? # What website could you not live with out? # @dleroux I’ll make that an article on my blog why prettiness matters in reply to dleroux # Is it bad that […]
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