From Good to Great Content

If you’ve been around the search space for any period of time you’ll have heard one of these sayings at some point or another: “Content is King”, “Write for people not search engines”, “Create good content”.    AJ Kohn points to a recent Matt Cutts video where Matt talks about content and whether Google will penalize […]

Google vs. Data

Google announced today that they are going to make some modifications to the way they pass data along to other websites based on if a users is logged into google or not.  The full details on this are at: This has gotten a number of folks in the SEO industry in an uproar.  While I […]

Social Media and SEO

Go to any search conference today and there will be at least one discussion on Social Media. It is starting to become much clearer how the two connect with announcements from booth Bing and Google that they use social signals for rankings, as well as announcements they will start to use social results much more […]

Google Instant Some Random Thoughts

With the launch of Google Instant I’ve got a few non-connected thoughts on what this means to SEO/SEM as well as to Google, and some questions with how they will adapt to this. First let’s look at the comments I have specifically to Google. A Great Engineering Feat In one way I think this is […]

Why Organic Search Has a Better ROI

I’ve recently been hearing that organic search (SEO)  has a lower ROI than paid search (SEM).  I have a very hard time believing this.  I can see SEM having a better conversion rate than SEO, but not a better ROI.  Free organic search will ALWAYS have a better ROI than anything you pay for.  The […]