SCRM stands for Social Customer Relationship Management it’s the burgeoning name for how corporations plan to track and manage customer relationships through social tools (think FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn). I recently wrote about my own reasoning on why SCRM shouldn’t be called SCRM and that corporations can’t “manage” customers or expect to manage customers in […]

It's Time to Drop the "M" in CRM
Social customer relationship management is the evolution of CRM and Todd Clayton over at chatterboxhq had an interesting article which I had to respond to on Why Social CRM Is not the Answer for Social Media it’s a great read (go on read it, I’ll still be here when you get back). OK great, so […]
Which Came First Content or Navigation?
Actually this post should probably be titled “Which is More Important Content or Navigation?” The term “content is king” has been around for at least as long as I have been involved in web design which is quite some time. I have heard this saying repeated over and over. However in the other corner you have the usability group usually lead by Jakob Nielsen which leads me to the question; after your sites aesthetics which is more important to a users experience content or navigation?
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