I have been working in the web design/development community since 1998 and it seems like every time the web takes a step forward it means two steps back for developers. A lot of the same issues that plagued developers when dial-up was still predominant are issues still today. Not because people are on dial-up, but […]

Editors Going Extinct or a New Breed?
Having recently taken up blogging I have discovered one major issue. There’s no editor. Nobody to really ask you is this what you really mean to say? It’s a simple click publish and there it is your article up and out there live for everyone to see. I know at some point I’m going to […]
Why the Kindle Should be Free (or Some Other e-Reader)
When Amazon launched the Kindle they missed a great opportunity. It’s not like they need it, but they should have made the Kindle FREE. The e-book reader market is still a developing market, but we’ve seen that whoever is king early on is often hard to knock down once they are on top. Amazon could […]
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