Picking up on the last posting, what exactly is content as navigation? To me it’s something we’re already seeing on sites like Amazon, but as more services open up that offer content streams and feeds, we need to start to think of ways to use this content. It’s not enough to simply get an RSS […]
Which Came First Content or Navigation?
Actually this post should probably be titled “Which is More Important Content or Navigation?” The term “content is king” has been around for at least as long as I have been involved in web design which is quite some time. I have heard this saying repeated over and over. However in the other corner you have the usability group usually lead by Jakob Nielsen which leads me to the question; after your sites aesthetics which is more important to a users experience content or navigation?

All The Pretty Websites Get Picked First
It was once famously said
“Prettiness, that’s what’s important. Followed by Navigation then content.”
… OK maybe not that famous but it was said, and it was in response to the question: Which is more important content or navigation? The response in it’s own right has it’s points. People will argue that a site like Google isn’t very pretty, nor is Amazon. What they do offer is function and service, but I would actually argue that Google is full of “prettiness”. Google may not be pretty everyday but she certainly does like to dress up every now and than as seen on the Holiday Logos archive, and there is something else, Google has a certain kind of symmetry.
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