Archives for May 2011

Writting for SEO


I read two interesting articles today, one on using jargon and the other on some new features in the WordPress SEO plugin.  What jumped out at me on both of these is a focus on language and complexity.  One of the new features of the WordPress SEO plugin is to rate your text on the […]

The Future of Digital Marketing

digital marketing

In April several big brands shared how they have split their marketing spend from traditional (Print, Broadcast and Radio) and Digital (online) . The ranges are anywhere from 50% to 90% of that spend going to digital. I don’t think that this is very surprising. More people are spending time online, be it on a PC or mobile Device. Interestingly TV declines as Internet increases and Mobile Reading Increases while print reading decreases. Meaning the money is moving to where the eyeballs are going […]