Getting materials for the cabinet was pretty straight forward. A cabinet it’s self is not all that complex. It is pretty much MDF, Paint, Screws and Glue. I’m positive anyone who wants to do this can with a little help and some determination. Truth be told if I was in wood shop I’d have probably opted to build one of these instead of the chess board I did build in grade 8. At this point I should point out I’m not a “handy guy” by any means. I know enough to not loose a finger, but this was all a learning experience. Almost all of the material I purchased from Home Depot.
One thing I did remember for shop class was measure twice cut once. I think for the control panel I measured everything about 10 times, and spent a lot of time pencilling on the MDF how I wanted it to look. Take time if you’re cutting your own cabinet, as the cuts will be critical to the quality of the final product. I was in a hurry one day and cut everything short, and wasted a whole MDF board. In one of my lasts posts, I’ll also include a total of everything as well as links or notes as to where I purchased everything, or where you can purchase it.
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