This is my blog about building an arcade cabinet in 2005. This however wasn’t just about buiding a cabinet, it also gave me something to do while I stayed at home while my mother battled breast cancer for the first time during this summer. I had documented everything I did with the intent of creating a website about the cabinet, but I never seemed to get around to actually getting the site built. I’ve since gone back to my my orginal pictures and notes, and am recreating alot of this from memory.
My friend Matt helped me build alot of this, and it was a great way to keep me occupied while I stayed close to the house that summer, as anyone can tell you the impact chemo has on a person can be pretty harsh, fortunatly during this time it wasn’t as bad for my mom as I had hear it was for some others.
I hope this blog can help others learn a thing or two and provide some insights (also please don’t ask me about ROMs, this is all about the work and effort to build something). The best resources on the web today are:
- Arcade Controls (check out the forums there is a ton of great support there)
- MAME (the emulator to play old games)
- Project Arcade (a great book on steps to building your own cabinet)
- Other sites I’ll list in different posts as I go along
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