Once everything was cut out assembling was pretty straight forward. All the pieces fit perfectly, partly because of the stencils and time taken to measure everything before getting to this stage. One problem I did run into was finding the router bit to cut a groove for the T-Molding. I went to three different stores before finding it. I also made some adjustments because I thought the TV was too heavy and the system may not support it so I included some 2x4s to run along the sides, which really probably don’t offer much if any additional support.
The top and bottom can come apart into 2 different pieces. I put the top on the bottom, and drilled the holes so that the mounting bolts would align properly.
The TV didn’t quite site correctly and I had to cut out a small hole in the back so the TV would slide all the way in. I then placed a 2×4 on the top part as a brace so the top would also always sit at the right hight, and it stops the TV from sliding further back.
The control panel I had to build based on my own specs, put some hinges on it so I could open it up and get into the wiring if needed.
For the speaker covers I tried to get them to look like NY City Sewer covers, it sort of worked out.
I also routed out space for dust washers. The dust washer sits under the artwork, and in the grove of the wood.
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